Macro in Excel 2003

Cmill - Sep 5, 2008 at 10:25 AM
 pbnj22 - Nov 27, 2008 at 08:48 PM
I have 2 tabs that contain a lot of data and I need to compare them both. One contains data that needs to be completed, and the other contains the data that was completed. I need to match them up to see if the "projects" that needed to be completed were actually completed. Does anyone have the Macro code they can give me to do this? OR an opinion on any other way it can be done?
Any input would be greatly appreciated!
Here is the Macro I recorded from the 2 sheets of data;
Sub Macro1()
' Macro1 Macro
' Sears Project

ActiveWindow.SmallScroll Down:=-12
Sheets("Beamteam 1").Select
Sheets("Sears 708 RTA").Select
End Sub

1 response

I would import the two list into access as separate tables and run either "inner join" query (only matched items appear) or "outer join" were all items of one table appear and only matched items of the other appear. If set up properly, all the projects would appear in one table (whether completed or not) and the completed would appear in the other table. you could then do a filter to determine what has not been completed. My guess, based on your question, about 15-30 minutes tops.