My computer do not read a SD card

Macro - Jan 15, 2010 at 02:02 PM
 Casio - Jan 15, 2010 at 07:38 PM
I have a memory SD Card 2GB SanDisk and when I insert it into the memory card slot on my computer (Dell, windows xp), nothing happens. It is if I did not have it inserted at all. Any ideas?.

1 response

Gud Day Macro!!!

I think there's something wrong with your computer... Have you consulted it to a technician...? I mean, have you ask any of the staff in the shop about your PC...?
There's a possibility that your reader might not functioning well...
Or maybe your Micro SD Card... ?
Have you tried to insert any brand of Micro SDs in your computer?
If others will work, then there's nothing wrong with your reader, and if others won't, then maybe its your MMC reader...

Just try.... and try... okey...

Don't lost hope...