My pasword is hacked

muhamet bruqi - Jan 17, 2010 at 03:16 PM
 muhamet - Jan 18, 2010 at 02:10 PM
Hi my hotmail passord and secet password has been hacked so has my face book is wel how can i get it back because some one is still useing it my lost id is dhis is my information
muhamet bruqi
born 1978
som on hacked my pasword and change my sekurity answer and chang my anlternativ add and shi ore he is using it it's important to helm me you can send ur answer in this e-mail add pleas help me thankyou....

1 response

Blocked Profile
Jan 18, 2010 at 05:31 AM
Dear Bruqi,

Please consider filing a legal case for the matter so that the Cyber Crime Unit

carries out an investtigation that will lead to the hacker. This will help solve the

problem being experienced.

if you can to send me information i send you my instruction pleas help me it is for mor important with respeakt for you muhamet bruqi
if you can to send me information i send you my instruction pleas help me it is for mor important with respeakt for you muhamet bruqi my hacked add is Email Id removed for security