How to match two columns

Paris - Sep 21, 2008 at 06:09 AM
 nitin - Aug 30, 2010 at 03:27 AM
I have 2 excel sheets with exactly the same format, in column A, I have the name of my customers and in Column B, the value of their sales. the other sheet contains exactly the same information but not in the same order. Now what I want to do is : If the name of my first customer (A1,sheet1) exists in the A column of sheet 2 then bring the sales value to cell C1 of the first sheet.

Sheet 1 ------------------ Sheet 2
A --------- B ---------------- A ------ B
X --------- 500 ---------------- Y ------- 540
Y -------- 1000 ---------------- Z ------- 100
Z -------- 200 ----------------- X ------- 800

And I need the result as this :
A -------- B -------- C
X -------- 500 -------- 800
Y -------- 1000 -------- 540
Z -------- 200 -------- 100

7 responses

Ivan-hoe Posts 433 Registration date Saturday February 16, 2008 Status Member Last seen October 17, 2008 110
Sep 22, 2008 at 02:00 AM
use a VLOOKUP formula ; something like =VLOOKUP(A2;Sheets2!A:B;2;FALSE)
if the customer does not exist in the second sheet, this will return #N/A
Thanks...this solution really helped me to understand VLOOKUP....
=does if(a:b:c)
i expect a similar kind of solution for my problem.

i have a list of 6 digit cheque numbers in ascending continuos serial order. for example, 223000,223001,223002.....etc. in one column 'A'.

then I have a list of 6 digit enchashed cheque numbers randomly in ascending oreder. i.e., 223002,237652, 238645,245674......etc like this in coumn 'B'

now I want to match these two columns and form a 3rd column with all un-encashed cheque nunbers.
akindly assume that all cheque numbers in column 'B' are defenitely available in column 'A'.

in terms of set theory, I want A-B ( here 'B' is a subset of set 'A').

kindly provide me with some solution for this
thank u

with regards
In cell c1, type in fx=if(isna(vlookup(b1,sheet!a:b,2,false)),b1,"")

Good luck
hi xiao,

the above clomns are not correct.
see thie below column orders.

Issued Encashed Un-encashed cheq
230001 230002 230001
230002 230005
230003 230008 230003
230004 230009 230004
230005 230014
230006 230020 230006
230007 230024 230007
230008 230029
230009 230030
230010 230032 230010
230011 230033 230011
230012 230012
230013 230013
230015 230015
230016 230016
230017 230017
230018 230018
230019 230019
230021 230021
230022 230022
230023 230023
230025 230025
230026 230026
230027 230027
230028 230028
230031 230031
230034 230034
hi xiao,

sorry I tried to paste the columns from excel sheet but its alignment gets changed after posting.
hence I type directly here.

---------A ----- ---------B -------- -------C--------
Issued cheq Encashed cheq Un-encashed cheq
230001 230002 230001
230002 230004
230003 230006 230003
230004 230010
230005 230016 230005
230006 230020
230007 230007
230008 230008
230009 230009
230011 230011
230012 230012
230013 230013
230014 230014
230015 230015
230017 230017
230018 230018
230019 230019
230021 230021
230022 230022

kindly help me
than u
with regards
ohhh my god

even now also the alignment got changed

i colud not post it properly
Try putting the following in C1 and dragging it to fill down column C just as far as you have data in column A :

Alternately, you could use soething like this array formula in column C:
{=IF(COUNTIF(B:B,A:A)<1,A:A,"")} [press ctrl-shift-enter]

Although it would be an inefficient solution as is, it should theoretically work with some tweaking. I tried it this way, but as an array function on the entire row C, it took a few minutes wasting time to compare all the empty cells.
Benzolio > Benzolio
Jan 29, 2009 at 11:34 PM
BTW, this was for karthik's issue not the first one
OMG. thank you for the array formula!
with if then else statement compare two number
hi xiao,

thank u for ur advice . I tried ur formula but I could not get the result as I desired. I explain my problem in the following way.


Issued Encashed Un-encashed cheq
230001 230002 230001
230002 230005
230003 230008 230003
230004 230009 230004
230005 230014
230006 230020 230006
230007 230024 230007
230008 230029
230009 230030
230010 230032 230010
230011 230033 230011
230012 230012
230013 230013
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230019 230019
230021 230021
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230031 230031
230034 230034

i want a result in column 'C' as above. we can also put column B data in 1st column and column A data in 2nd column but the result must be column C as abobe.the no. of data in column'B'(as above) will be defenitely less than that in column'A'(as above).
in a nutshell, out of 1000 cheques issued 700 cheques have been encashed randomly. but how to find out the remaining 300 cheques from the original list.

all data are in the same sheet. kindly tel me about what 'sheet!a:b" represent in ur earlier formula.
kindly help me.
thank u

with regards