Ares help me!!
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5 responses
Dude ares is free. Don't download it unless it's free because it might be a virus. If you go to the ares web page at you should find ares there for free. Remember ares is a free program. Do not get tricked into thinking that just because you have to pay for something its legit.
Ares is free but others hijack it and then sell it. You can find it free on
check it out I have had this same problem and have been scouring everywhere looking for the solution. I was told that you could not connect with the regular ares on vista---bull muffins!!!!! after searching high and low for a free ares vista full version, I became frustrated and decided to go back to the site of the ares I have on my xp pc. I went to and downloaded ares and guess what not only did it connect on my vista home premium laptop but yes, it downloads too!!!! yay!!!!!! please spread the news to any and everyone who has been traumatized by ares withdrawl. luv u guys!!!!! please feel free to drop me a line if this helped you--sssssssss...
Big Sexy is RIGHT! Just like s/he said "uninstall Ares" (in my case I had downloaded the new 3.0 whatever)
and go to the address s/he mentioned and reinstall 2. whatever.
I wish the Web had more people who were like Big Sexy. If you cannot help someone just leave it alone and go back to your porno site.
and go to the address s/he mentioned and reinstall 2. whatever.
I wish the Web had more people who were like Big Sexy. If you cannot help someone just leave it alone and go back to your porno site.
Nov 16, 2008 at 08:17 PM
Nov 19, 2008 at 03:27 PM
i get connected it's okay but when I tried to download my video they asked me for an activation code.
but it is free, isn't it?
please help me 'cause your links are useless.
Nov 20, 2008 at 03:13 PM
there u can download all the ares and its free
Nov 20, 2008 at 09:06 PM
Dec 13, 2008 at 08:20 AM
could anybody help me pls
pls send it to Email Id removed for security