Cannot connect on livebox

fretopde Posts 13 Registration date Monday September 22, 2008 Status Member Last seen May 11, 2009 - Sep 29, 2008 at 08:55 AM
 Mick - Aug 26, 2013 at 05:58 PM
I have a livebox at home which I want to connect to my computer but I cant do that I don't know why but my pc will detect a livebox in range but when I put in the wep key and then try to connect to it it wont work anyone can help me please?

5 responses

i tried to pair my ipod to my livebox to no avail and spent ages trying. so rang orange and it turned out what I was doing wrong was not holding the 1 button for 5 seconds,i had been pressing it but not held it in for 5 seconds. then settings on ipod,wi-fi,livebox,enter security key case sensitive and no spaces and a 0 is zero they dont use the letter o,press join hey presto up and running. hope this helps anyone
Ah awesome, was having no luck connecting to my Livebox, no one told me the 1 button needed to be held down for 5 seconds! Got it connected now. Thanks.
Great, thanks. Worked with my Ipad 2
maybe think about the book of words and pictures that came with the device.
Thank you very much. I followed your advice and it worked perfectly.
hondahrv Posts 17 Registration date Tuesday September 2, 2008 Status Member Last seen April 27, 2009 5
Sep 29, 2008 at 10:19 AM
Well the only thing that you forgot is to make the livebox detectable and you can do so by pressing the button under under the livebox just beside the power cord. And after that just try to reconnect your computer by entering again the wep key.
It Worked
GiantLeap Posts 85 Registration date Saturday November 29, 2008 Status Member Last seen December 8, 2008 45 > Jamie
Dec 8, 2008 at 03:05 PM
actually you could manually specify WAN settings for non-SID connections
it does not work
You have to press the pair button under the live box
I recently purchased a new computer and wanted to connect to my Orange wireless network (the original style hardware). My PC could see the livebox but no matter what I did it still wouldn't connect. Finally I rang Orange and there is a procedure called pairing (likely for blocking potential hackers)
I was advised to hardwire the PC to the livebox using the red ethernet cable and press the #1 button located on the rear of the livebox. Then enter the network key - this worker for me
hi everyone, I have pressed the 1 button on my livebox so it flashes but when I try to connect to the network I enter my wep key but it doesn't accept it??

does it have to have spaces in between or should I get rid of them, and should I use uppercase or lowercase letters.

thanks in advance
Don't put spaces...
Nice one - worked a treat on mine had been pulling my hair out trying to connect to my Orange Livebox
i cant obtain the ip adresses