Micromax q3 mobile not working as modem

rap - Feb 20, 2010 at 05:38 AM
 Blocked Profile - Oct 16, 2010 at 04:33 AM

i have micromax q3 mobile with airtel connection. i can browse internet through mobile bu when i try to connect with pc it is not working. when i connect pop up does not comes out. when i select com port, i hear the sound but can't install as new hardware. help me to solve my problem

4 responses

Blocked Profile
Feb 20, 2010 at 07:04 AM
Hi there,

You need to install pc suite for this functions well,download it by pressing here.

firstly remove mmc from ur cell and then format ur micromax q3.
secondly install pc synchronous tool (provided in cd ) in c drive .
then u will got 3 folders.
Go into folderS named as "RELEASE">>>"PHONE SUIT">>>>"SETTING">>>>
>>>>herer u will get 3 options as >>>> general, dial, creat connection.
Choose "create connection" >>>>>>NEW/MODIFY>>>>>>feed data (name ,apn,no. as:*99***1#) then click CREATE.
NOW CHOOSE "DIAL" option and dial the conection.
ur net is connected now
i have same phone and same connection. i also cant browes internat
Blocked Profile
Oct 16, 2010 at 04:33 AM
The PC Suite is an essential application and without it you will not be able to complete the task.