Gtalk or yahoo mesenger

sumit007 - Oct 14, 2008 at 02:15 AM
 shuchi - Sep 16, 2010 at 02:06 PM

if anyone having gtalk and yahoo proxy plz give it to me.........coz i am bred now days in my office can anyone help me out?

thanx in advance.

3 responses

You can access web Gtalk/Yahoo Messenger by WeBuzz.IM ( ).
cbr.cobra Posts 15 Registration date Thursday April 24, 2008 Status Member Last seen May 14, 2009 9
Oct 14, 2008 at 05:22 AM
is it the software that you are asking for?

if yes then its so simple just go and download it from the google web page or yahoo web page directly.

actually cant figure out what is the problem you are encounting.

see you
thanx for given me the advise but its not a deal ......i am asking yahoo mesenger n google talk mesenger's u know proxy?
May be you have already got what you want.

You may try other softwares like pidgin to use gtalk and yahoo simultaneously.

Or go to Enter in right pane. It will send that request to one of anonymizer listed in it's directory. If gmail opens with any proxy then use same proxy for gtalk. Same applies for yahoo.

My blog also contains some of the matter you may find useful.

This is for Answering machine for gtalk. It sends a reply automatically if you are away from computer. :)

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