Zynga games

shirley - Apr 25, 2010 at 05:58 AM
 Heather - May 2, 2010 at 12:57 PM
when on facebook i cannot access any zyga games why would this be?


1 response

Because you have a very clever computer. I run Vista and Farmville works just fine. However, as soon as I start playing the game, my CPU usage goes through the roof, the computer gets hotter and hotter, the fans race to keep it cool and eventually it shuts down. This computer has no overheating issues playing a huge CPU hog like World of Warcraft so I know it is not my computer. I spoke to a computer guru who told me that as soon as I open the Farmville game, it loads malware that starts using my computer to do what ever processing it is programmed to do. He says that by pressing 'Allow' you have bypassed your computer's firewall and virus/spy-ware software for these people to use your computer. With so many people playing, the game it gives the malware owner huge computing power. I went and removed the Zynga games and my computer has not been hot once since then. I suppose the computer guy hit the nail on the head.