Delete my gmail & orkut a/c

Nishad - May 6, 2010 at 01:30 PM
 Blocked Profile - May 19, 2010 at 05:00 AM
i was using both gmail n orkut with same id n password...
but both gmail n orkut was hacked on an hacker....
so pls destroy my orkut profile and gmail id....
my orkut profile contains all my friends photos n mine also,
it was schocking to see that hacker has been giving links to pronographic sites...
in about me: section of my profile in orkut....i m feeling very bad n guilty....n that hacker is sending the pron site links to my friends in their scrap through my orkut profile.
so pls help me sir.....its my humble request to u.
and help me cm out of this problem.So kindly delete or destroy my orkut n gmail id i.e :
Orkut Profile Name is: Nishad Lokhande
my present email id is :nishu88.lokhandee
pls send me mail after destroying my orkut profile,so that i will get to know about it.

1 response

Blocked Profile
May 19, 2010 at 05:00 AM
Dear Sir,

Please contact their support team for having it disabled.

Thank you.