MicroSD card password protected

Coarule - May 26, 2010 at 06:33 AM
 Blocked Profile - May 2, 2012 at 06:43 AM
I have Micro Sd memmory card and it's password protected.When I want to format card,phone ask me for a password.By the way i'm using Nokia 5130 Xpress Music.
Could anyone help me?Every answer would be appreciated.

3 responses

1. To unlock your mobile memory card, you need a file explorer. You may use FExplorer. To download FExplorer
2. After finished downloading, install it to your mobile phone.
3. Insert the mobile memory card into your mobile phone. Remember, don't access the memory card through phone at this moment.
4. Run FExplorer and open the following location C:\system.
5. From the location C:\System, you will see a file named as mmcstore. Rename this file as mmcstore.txt.
6. Copy the file mmcstore.txt. and paste it to your computer. Now, open that file in notepad.
7. When you finished the above steps, you will find the password of that file.

thanks rahul g nair
Jesus's Brother
May 2, 2012 at 06:11 AM
Its really working.. I used it two months ago.