HP G6000 Won't turn on!!

:) - Jun 2, 2010 at 05:47 AM
 jonnyyyyy - Jul 9, 2015 at 08:54 AM
Hi :),

I'm 13 and I got a HP G6000 roughly 26 months ago, After having it for just over a year it spontaneously shut itself down, at first I just thought It didn't have any battery charge, so I left it charging for the night, but in the morning it still wouldn't turn on, I tried taking the battery out and holding the power button down for 30 seconds to get rid of excess battery charge but nothing seems to be working... can anybody help me? It hasn't worked for about 12 months now, I just really want to get it fixed, is it worth sending it in to get fixed or should I just buy a new laptop? PLEASE HELP ME! :)


1 response

Hi, ive currently got on of these in for repair with the same problem, what you need to do is press and hold the 'windows' key and 'B' at the same time then press the power button, it should then beep..

Please let me know what the beep sequence is, ie. mine is long, short short.
Mine is long and then 2 small beeps