Find out the IP Address and System Name

M - Dec 2, 2008 at 12:02 PM
 omar.a - Aug 25, 2010 at 03:41 AM
How do I find out the IP Address of a system that 'had' connected to my WLAN Router during the day? (Note that it is no longer on the network)
And with this information how do I get to know the system name?
I had someone access my "Unsecured" network and delete files from some of the shared folders (yes I know its stupid to have had an unsecure network) :-)
Pls Help ASAP.

12 responses

here is a good site that you can check your IP address:
Nice Webiste

Keep it up.


Jeddah-Saudi Arabia
hey buddy
why wasting ur time
just goto
write cmd
write ipconfig . it will show ur ip address

any one ask me how to trace ip use mail.
Jeez, everyone makes this so complex
default gateway is your router address
How do I check the router's logging?
And how do I set it manually?
GiantLeap Posts 85 Registration date Saturday November 29, 2008 Status Member Last seen December 8, 2008 45
Dec 3, 2008 at 12:01 PM
login to your router as mentioned in your manual... like Run internet explorer and enter something like in the address field, open Management / Administration tab, find "Logging", press "Enable" button and specify the additional parameters like time of logging, email reporting and others... check your router's manual for exact steps
Hey, theres an easier way to check your router IP adress.

Just open cmd (command prompt), then type in:
ping -r 1

your can replace google with anything, just it has to be ping -r 1.
this shows the route of the echo, so it shows the home router adress
i have tried out ping -r 1 but it dose not provide me its routers ip can u help me
just type ipconfig /all and you will find the ip up top
GiantLeap Posts 85 Registration date Saturday November 29, 2008 Status Member Last seen December 8, 2008 45
Dec 2, 2008 at 01:06 PM
Check your router's logging. In most routers this function shall be enabled manually :(
m.sohail Posts 1 Registration date Sunday December 13, 2009 Status Member Last seen December 14, 2009
Dec 14, 2009 at 06:36 AM
Dear sir,
I want to connect to my freind computer through ip adress please tell how can I connect
if you want to know your routers ip type in cmd
it will say:
Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 56 ms 99 ms 99 ms routername [router ip]
configure your friend Ip address in your computer as a default get way . And configure your ip address in friend computer as default get way. then try It should work.
just use cmd prompt, type as ipconfig/all
kanaga Posts 4 Registration date Monday June 1, 2009 Status Member Last seen September 12, 2009
Jun 2, 2009 at 04:23 AM
U get the ip address of your system from this
thanks for your suggestion.... but how can I conform my ip address....
just go to run, command prompt and type ipconfig
hope you got it
SuperRomia Posts 1 Registration date Friday July 9, 2010 Status Member Last seen July 9, 2010
Jul 9, 2010 at 12:52 AM
For IP checking I usually go to They have implemented a quick link for quick search like :)
You can know it by Event Viewer logs