PS3 can't obtain IP address: PlayStation 3 fix

If your PS3 is having trouble obtaining an IP address, it may be due to network configuration issues or connectivity problems. Here are steps you can take to troubleshoot and potentially resolve the issue.
What is the IP address error?
Online gameplay is made possible on the PlayStation 3 console thanks to its network server. There are a number of errors that occur with online PS3 gameplay, and one of the most recurrent is that the IP (Internet Protocol) address cannot be obtained, which prevents the console from launching correctly.
What to do if PS3 cannot obtain an IP address?
If your PS3 is having trouble obtaining an IP address, it may be due to network configuration issues or connectivity problems. Here are steps you can take to troubleshoot and potentially resolve the issue:
Check Network Connections
- Check that your PS3 is connected to the internet via ethernet of Wi-Fi. Check that you have entered the correct Wi-Fi password as well.
Restart Your Router
- Turn off your router for 30 seconds and then plug it back in. Wait until your router has fully restarted before trying to establish a connection.
Reboot the PS3
- Turn off the PS3 and then turn it back on.
Check Network Settings on PS3
- Go to the Network Settings menu, and then Internet Connection Settings
- From here choose Custom settings and follow the prompts.
- You will be prompted to select a connection method, choose Easy for automatic settings or Manual for a manual configuration.
- Make sure that the IP address and other settings are set to automatic.
Disable Media Server Connection
- In the PS3 settings, go to Network Settings > Media Server Connection.
- Disable the media server connection.
Update Firmware
- Make sure your PS3 has the latest system software updates installed.
Contact Your ISP
If none of these solutions work, then we recommend that you contact your Internet Service Provider to check if there any network issues.
Are there any more alternative solutions?
Before beginning, make sure that you do not have a uPNP downloaded. If you do, you will need to disable it. Before moving on, check if this has not already resolved your issue.
Now, go to Wireless Network in your console's Network Settings. Disable the MAC filtering feature (enabled by default), and try to connect again.
If the aforementioned procedure does not work, you will need to try locating an IP address manually. Turn off your PS3, and unplug both your cable modem and your wireless router. Wait 30 seconds, plug the modem in, and wait for the status light to stop blinking. Next, plug the router in and wait for the status light to stop blinking.
Turn on your PS3. Go to Connection Settings and, instead of selecting Easy, choose Custom. Scan the window, and do not make any changes so that the program can select everything, including your DNS server (i.e. your IP address), automatically.