Hdmi cable wont work on my samsung '42'

jordz45 - Dec 11, 2010 at 04:47 AM
 Matt - Apr 4, 2013 at 04:53 PM

i have a '24' techniqa tv and it works fine with the hdmi but when I bring my ps3 down stairs and plug it into my samsung '42' and turn my ps3 on it says on the tv mode not supported but when I use the av cable it works fine
please help

config>Windows Vista / Safari 534.10</config>

2 responses

Switch it off and hold the power button for 10 secs
And it beep twice then it should come on.
thank you friend. worked.couldnt believe it. thought the tv was faulty. :)
Worked!! Thanks can now get some pice for the kids..
ur a life saver, thanks alot
Wow it worked! Thank you!
change Resolution and change the mode from ---- TO PC