Formatting 256GB Flash Drive

ravi - Jan 5, 2011 at 01:01 AM
 tom - Jan 30, 2011 at 05:25 AM

Can you please help me how to format the 256GB Transcend Flah Drive.




3 responses

Blocked Profile
Jan 5, 2011 at 05:46 AM

Open my computer>right click on the device and select format.

You can format it using Vista or Windows 7, use exFAT file format.
down load hp usb storage format tool,when you configure it it will be fat32 of fat do not add volume label
do not do a qiuck format just click start and wait till it's done about 4 hrs. windows might say it couldn't format but then go to your control panel click on administrative tools, go to disk management and open it,go to disk mangement and you should see your usb there.right click your usb drive in my computer it will show a blank uptop I typed in kingston256 hit apply and that was it.right clicked again and the option of readyboost was there .good luck
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