Screen stays black or changes to black after being on

andantesash Posts 3 Registration date Sunday January 27, 2013 Status Member Last seen March 5, 2013 - Mar 5, 2013 at 11:34 AM
andantesash Posts 3 Registration date Sunday January 27, 2013 Status Member Last seen March 5, 2013 - Mar 5, 2013 at 12:01 PM
I turned my laptop on this morning and the screen just stayed black, the fans booted up for about 2 seconds and switched off and the laptop remains silent - the cd drawer has the green light on and the power, bluetooth and wireless lights are on.

After taking out ram and putting it back in etc nothing changed so I left it for a while, went back and turned it on and it booted up fine. Then after logging in for a few seconds the screen went black.

So I turned it off with the power button, started it back up and went into the bios, then mid way through checking bios settings the screen went black again. So I had to turn it off again.

Now it just stays black and nothing happens - it sounds silent but the lights are on.

Any suggestions?

2 responses

jack4rall Posts 6428 Registration date Sunday June 6, 2010 Status Moderator Last seen July 16, 2020
Mar 5, 2013 at 11:41 AM

Try this 1

1) Unplug the power cord --> Remove the battery --> Hold the power button for

60 seconds --> Connect the power supply then try to switch ON the laptop and

later put the battery back into the laptop.

2) If the problem still exists then click on the below link and follow the instructions

Good Luck
andantesash Posts 3 Registration date Sunday January 27, 2013 Status Member Last seen March 5, 2013
Mar 5, 2013 at 12:01 PM
I have done that a few times but no luck, have tried 3 different ram cards and none are making any difference at all.

I tried the external link also;

I plug in the external monitor and press the FN & LCD/CRT button but nothing happens either, the laptop sounds silent and the fans arent running after the few seconds at the start. Sounds like its in hibernation mode