Rapidshare help

piyush - Mar 1, 2009 at 01:35 PM
 crashcool - May 7, 2009 at 06:44 PM
any one knows the working software to downlods files from rapidshare/megauplods
pls tell me

2 responses

You need a premium account, else you can only download 100MB and hour, and only one file at a time
there is great toolbar that can help you
try that : www.rapidsharetoolbar.net

good luck
how to get a premium account for free
YOU CANNOT get Rapidshare premium with no money!
But you CAN do something to get the money fast and free with NO CREDIT CARD/BANK ACCOUNT

Just follow these steps

1)Skip this step if u already own an Alertpay account
Go to https://www.alertpay.com/ and sign up
Create an Alertpay account (this is for free)

When asked to give credit card details click on CANCEL

Go to


And register.
You’ll be paid just to click on their ads.
The more you click the more you earn.