Transfer cell data from one workbook to another workbook

txljh Posts 3 Registration date Monday June 30, 2014 Status Member Last seen July 1, 2014 - Jun 30, 2014 at 11:23 PM
Osama_bb11 Posts 21 Registration date Sunday May 25, 2014 Status Member Last seen September 25, 2014 - Jul 2, 2014 at 12:46 AM
I am using two workbooks to track account spending for quarterly reporting.
Workbook 1: Day Expenses
Workbook 2: Monthly Expenses

WB1: I have formulated column AG for =SUM. Each row will tally into the last column AG. This takes each daily expenses and tallies the amount spent that month in that category.

WB2: this workbook is the same except it monthly. This allows to track the spending monthly on one page. The column AG on WB1 needs to copy to this workbook.

How do I do this? How do I transfer AG on WB1 to columns on WB2? I have tried the function ='[Book.xls]Sheet1'!$AG$4

It has not transferred the data correctly each time WB1 is saved and closed. I also saved WB2 and closed and the information still did not transfer correctly. I know enough about excel to be dangerous and do not know how or what a macros is that I have read about. I appreciate any help given.

4 responses

txljh Posts 3 Registration date Monday June 30, 2014 Status Member Last seen July 1, 2014 2
Jul 1, 2014 at 07:49 AM
Thank you for answering my question.

So where it says [Book.xls] I should put the name of the book name[Day_Monthly_Expenses] and the name of the worksheet [Julu_2014]

Eg. ='[Day_monthly_expenses]July_2014'!$AG$4

I would put this in the column on Workbook 2.

Thanks for your help.
Osama_bb11 Posts 21 Registration date Sunday May 25, 2014 Status Member Last seen September 25, 2014
Jul 1, 2014 at 02:02 AM


is Book.xls the file name and sheet1 the page name

any way
let's say the daily file is (Day Expenses.xlsx) and the monthly (Monthly Expenses.xlsx)
date at daily located at day_sheet and located at monthly at month_sheet
then at monthly you can transfer all the data from day_sheet column AG to column AG at Month_sheet as follows

at monthly sheet type at AG column : AG1='[Day Expenses.xlsx]day_sheet'!AG1
and so on

I hope this will work
txljh Posts 3 Registration date Monday June 30, 2014 Status Member Last seen July 1, 2014 2
Jul 1, 2014 at 07:55 AM
Thank you so much!!!!

It works perfectly.

God Bless you
Osama_bb11 Posts 21 Registration date Sunday May 25, 2014 Status Member Last seen September 25, 2014
Jul 2, 2014 at 12:46 AM
welcome any time