Simple IF function

lubs_sidd Posts 1 Registration date Friday August 8, 2014 Status Member Last seen August 8, 2014 - Aug 8, 2014 at 05:44 AM
 rayh - Aug 28, 2014 at 10:33 PM

I have a column reading random dates (dd/mm/yy) and the column next to it has to read "Y" or "N" depending on whether the date is before or after 1st Aug 2013. So the cell next to the date should read "Y" if it is after the 1st Aug 2013, and should read "N" if it is before the 1st Aug 2013.

How would I write this IF function?



2 responses

Blocked Profile
Aug 8, 2014 at 08:48 AM
Ok, I hope this helps.

The syntax for if is as follows: if(logic_test,true,false)

So this should do it:

A1 is the cell to check for the date.

Have FUN!

"If you can't soar with the eagles, then don't fly with the flock!" - Oliver Sykes; Bring Me The Horizon
Would this be closer to the requirement as the date is not based on TODAY's date but rather one that already exists in a column.

in cell B1:

This assumes Aug 1st should be Y, as this is unclear in the question