Format did not complete successfully

bolcano Posts 1 Registration date Saturday September 20, 2014 Status Member Last seen September 20, 2014 - Sep 20, 2014 at 01:05 AM
xpcman Posts 19528 Registration date Wednesday October 8, 2008 Status Contributor Last seen June 15, 2019 - Sep 20, 2014 at 04:09 PM

When I insert my Mirco SD using an adapter, there's a message block saying "You need to format the disk in drive : before you can use it".

So I tried to format it and it won't saying "Windows was unable to compete the format" result's also the same using "HP USB DISK format"

and then I tried to go to the Disk Management Window and tried to format it there but it still won't format "The Format did not complete successfully"

I also tried to right click the drive I want to format and it just so happen that I have no "Make Simple Volume Option" and there's also no FAT32 option for the file system.

I even tried to us the "Command Prompt" to "Diskpart" but I am still unsuccessful to format.

I also noticed that the disk space also changed from 1.8GB to 30mb.

Can anyone help and tell me what to do.



1 response

xpcman Posts 19528 Registration date Wednesday October 8, 2008 Status Contributor Last seen June 15, 2019 1,824
Sep 20, 2014 at 04:09 PM
I suggest you buy a new card. It looks like this one has a hardware error.