Itunes registry settings missing

ekb7 - Mar 12, 2009 at 11:23 PM
 Nitwit13 - Mar 25, 2018 at 07:21 AM
I downloaded the most recent Itunes onto my inspiron 1525 laptop with windows vista. When I do so shortly after using it a message comes up saying that the registry settings on Itunes is missing. I have tried re-installing Itunes and installing GEAR drivers. Both have worked, but only for a very short amount of time. Each time I do this I then have to delete my lower and upper filters on my computer because the CD/DVD drive won't show up. It just keeps going into this back and forth cycle and I don't know how to fix it. Please help! Thanks!

23 responses

Here is what I did to fix my problem with itunes registry settings missing and I couldnt burn cds.

. Make sure you have iTunes inslled (and if you uninstalled the GEAR driver reinstall it) Ok now go to the registry (start->run->regedit.exe) and look for "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class{4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}". Right click in the right section and select "New->Multi-String Value". Name it "UpperFilters". Right click on it and select "Modify" Enter "GEARAspiWDM" 9press enter to move to the next line and click ok) into the "Value Data". Restart and Voila it should be fixed. If not also try to make a "LowerFilters" and leave it blank.

I tried alot of other things but this worked, I have Windows xp
good luck
Thanks for your worked but now my cds/dvds don't show up on my computer at all so I guess I'm still out of luck.
This works for Vista as well.
Thank you it works now I can use itunes to burn cd's again thanks godbless
Jul 12, 2009 at 12:13 PM
Thank you very much your instruction were great
Thanks Shine ,
I think you're a genius. The problem with itunes has been driving me up a wall for about a month.
I must have Googled fifteen different solutions to the problem. None worked. Yours did.
Thank you. Keep up the good work.
Ray Holmes
For Vista, none of the missing DVD/CD fixes worked, or some worked for Windows and not for ITunes, or vice-versa. Finally, found the real Vista issue:

Nothing to do with Windows or ITunes at all - some lame 3rd party software with old drivers (AFK.SYS) causing the problem... Renamed and everything works...
This was the only fix that worked for me. I tried everything else listed, this finally did the trick. Thanks UK-Kid! I have been looking for this fix for almost two years. I finally have my drive listed on my computer, and can burn CD's from iTunes. I am almost in disbelief.
Apr 30, 2010 at 01:25 PM
I was able to fix the problem by updating my Gears drivers here:
Thanks been at this problem for two days now using the above on WIN XP pro
Follow the above steps for instealling gear but follow this last step before rebooting your PC. It won't permantly solve your problem as I've had to deal with it more than once, but it will provide the fix to allow itunes to go back to normal. I found this somewhere so it's not not my resolution. I wish I could remember where I found it to give proper credit, but more people should know about this because even after doing all the registry changes and reinstalling GEAR, my itunes would not work until I did this.

• Good news!!!!I have had the same problem as you and have been dealing with it the last 2 days-uninstalling itunes,quicktime and then reinstalling and installing gearproduct download??Anyway to make a long story SHORT:
1. Do a search for a file -GEARAspiWDM.inf in C drive
2. Right click and install
3. Reboot the computer
4. itunes should be working without the error-I hope, it worked for me!!!!!!
good luck, K
kenny47 Posts 2 Registration date Sunday January 10, 2010 Status Member Last seen January 11, 2010
Jan 11, 2010 at 11:25 AM
Thank you so much CWalrus. I've been all day trying to fix this and your solution worked. I did sort this out 3 months ago but recently installed an Epson Scanner which messed up the drivers for cd burning. Now I have to sort that out too!!
Tried everything else and finally this worked. Dont know where you found the fix, but GREAT JOB!!!
Had the same problem, downloading the GEAR driver fixed it instantly. I'm guessing that I was a little too careless with my program removal or system cleaning.

Thanks for the help.
I had the same problem with iTunes and Vista and just fixed it by downloading and installing the GEAR driver at:
I hate to be the one to say that this fix didn't work for me :( I tried it numerous times & I still get nothing. My cd drive completely disappears or I get it back & I still can't burn cd's in iTunes. Someone help, please!
I am having the same problem. If I update the registry, the iTunes error goes away, but so do my CD/DVD drives. If I change the registry back, I get my drives back, but iTunes gets the registry error again. I am running 64 bit
Windows 7 on an HP desktop.
Shine, you're a genius. Thanks.
missing gear driver file
I am having the same exact problem. I have reinstalled the GEAR drive but my problem is not solved, Please, help. How do I pull up the registry?
Shine > jackie
Aug 31, 2009 at 07:16 AM
type regedit in the search on Vista then click into that program.

I upgraded to Vista since my first post. I opened some old music files and it started saying the same
thing 'no disc burner found" I downloaded the gear driiver and it worked.
I wish they had another program for my ipod -I would get rid of itunes & never miss it
and all the problems

GOd Bless you all
thank you , thank you thank you shine! what a relief! I am so grateful for your helpful information. problem solved with your advice in 45 minutes vs, the entire week I have spent trying to fix, uninstalling and reinstalling. :)
NICE!!!! I had same problem, new gear driver install fixed the loss of my cd player. The question, why does itunes 8 remove this from registry? In device mgr (XP) it stated that registry has changed under the cd player and showed a caution. That's not cool.
Shine - your alright, thank you!
It worked for me on Windows Media Center
Thank you I have been on the phone with Apple for hours no help told me to call Microsoft they told me to call Apple
Thanks again
This was great it worked and was easy. Just go back and put the beginning parenthesis ( ) mark as it may be a bit confusing. Thanks for the excellent help.

I have windows 7, installed the new drivers and then used "UpperFilters"


Thanks Jazz_e!
Kris Fitz
Hi guys,
You can fix the issue by follwing the links:-

For Vista and Windows 7-
For Win 2000 and XP -
Thanks to everyone on this subject and especially to Shine, I now have both my CD burner and a normal iTunes.
It all worked fine in XP but just bought a new computer with Windows 7 Home Premium and first I lost my CD when I installed iTunes and then when a tech where I bought the computer removed the Registry filters I lost a lot of iTunes.

Now following the steps outlined here I have both, thanks to you all again.

(Especially Shine)
Another success using Shine's fix. Don't know how you knew what to do, but thanks a great deal. Three hours in, I found your post. Ten minutes later . . . done! All is well. Thanks
It is so great to have a problem and be able to successfully fix it. The "Shine" fix worked nicely and now I can cut a couple of CD's for my car. Thank you again............
Thankyou so much this worked straight away!
Thank you soo much! reinstalling itunes is not the solution.
Hey Guys...I need help. I have this problem but I'm using Windows 7 and can't figure out how to fix it. Please help. Thanks a lot.
I have tried this and got my drive back. Thank you. However, I cannot burn any discs using my CD/DVD RW. The Ulead software I am using is not recognising my drive. I am using Vista.
Same here. Vista 64. Nothing fixes the problem totally. I even purchased another drive. Funny thing is one drive will read cd's but not dvd and the second drive will read dvd but not cd audio. Both are dvd/cd recorders. It is definately a software issue with vista 64 , itunes, or drivers because I removed both of my drives and installed in my sons xp system and they work flawlessly. At this point I still get the error when loading itunes but one of my drives will rip all the track slowly. The other drive rips only the first two tracks then skips to the last. Microsoft - Apple -man up and fix the problem.
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