Password virus

teacherSPC - Mar 14, 2009 at 04:27 AM
 steve - Mar 23, 2009 at 10:07 PM
My son has watched a you tube clip. Up came the msn message.."You have encountered a .... we have to shut down...." then up came for a second "PASSWORD ATTACK" The computer closed and then when I started it up , I put my password in and then the picture flickered and then said it was closing down, only for my password box returning to view. I now can't get into my PC.
I've gone to "f8" and tried to use the configured default and that hasn't solved it. How can I get on in order to get rid of this ..$$*&!! virus.. Ideas my friends?

2 responses

Hi! I have found the cds! Can you help me further please? I don't want to loose all that have been saved on the PC. Can I get in without having the files on pc deleted?
I am hoping your instructions will help!

Cheers, kind sir!
your problem sounds like what I just went through, but there is hope. Go to this website:

Dan, who created the site, offers a solution to this problem and it appears that he has helped quite a lot of people. It is a fairly involved process. It requires you to go into BIOS mode to set your computer up to boot from the CD drive, and you have to burn some CDs from Dan to make it all work. But it's all worth it in the end! You can trust his site absolutely 100%.