Printing out all threads pages in sheets of paper as single book

a cooperator Posts 167 Registration date Monday July 25, 2011 Status Member Last seen November 3, 2015 - Dec 2, 2014 at 08:01 AM
a cooperator Posts 167 Registration date Monday July 25, 2011 Status Member Last seen November 3, 2015 - Dec 30, 2014 at 06:29 PM

I really have participating in quite a lot of forums, and I have quite a lot of threads, each of which have some pages. But, I only find that the forum lets me separately print out each thread. As a result, I will not get all threads' pages pined. if want to print them out all threads to get all threads' pages are printed in order in sheets of paper pinned as electronic book. Thus, I will read the thread very easily like the hand-book. CAN I FIND THIS FEATURE IN THIS XENFORO FORUM SOFTWARE.

I will open, and turn back and forward book's pages with any PDF-Viewing software.

Simply, I want to get all my threads along with their pages printed out in a single PDF book with the ability of turning the pages back and forward with next and back buttons in the pages.?

Simply, I want to get all my threads along with their pages printed out in a single-PDF book with the ability of navigating between the pages of the book (turning the pages back and forward by just clicking 'next' and 'back' buttons in the pages. If there is some third-software which can do this form me, which ones do you know? I really want to collect all the threads of mine posted in some forums since there are screens shots are being posted with the threads' posts, and as you know that the screen shots got not shown in the post due to a technical issue(such as a removed image or so on). thus if I had archived all my threads' posts, then It would be good for me even if the screen shots deleted from their original hosting service.


9 responses

Blocked Profile
Dec 2, 2014 at 01:58 PM
I use Bullzip for creating PDF's. It is a print driver. When you print to it, it opens a dialoge box asking you to save the file and name it. It then creates the PDF, or appends to it if you so choose.
a cooperator Posts 167 Registration date Monday July 25, 2011 Status Member Last seen November 3, 2015 3
Dec 3, 2014 at 08:30 AM
Thanks a lot,
Also, I used PrimoPDF, and it is working as you said. However, this is not what I am seeking for. I need to do book containing all my threads' pages. I need it like that screen shot above. I need to turns the pages like the real hand-book by clicking 'next' and 'back' button inside the pages of the book.

I think that I will need a designing software to do a project.

I need the book created to be like this one below

NOTE: The left-hand side panel contains the threads, and in the middel they will be displayed when choosing one of them
a cooperator Posts 167 Registration date Monday July 25, 2011 Status Member Last seen November 3, 2015 3
Dec 4, 2014 at 06:53 PM
Could you please rely to my post?

That book was designed by a person, and that book explaining cylinder alheirn to how to use a disc of Hirens.BootCD.14.0 which contains a variety of maintenance software.

Thus, if I want to print all my threads' pages for all forums I have participate in. How to do to let all pages printed in a book like that one whose screen shots are posted previously and it is also below

Blocked Profile
Dec 5, 2014 at 07:36 AM
I can only respond if I have a viable answer.

It sounds like a whole new set of software to me.

I ussually do not repsond to let you know you are on your own.
a cooperator Posts 167 Registration date Monday July 25, 2011 Status Member Last seen November 3, 2015 3
Dec 5, 2014 at 05:22 PM
Thanks a lot, ac3mark
Do you mean something like this:

Although that document display is online service on the internet, If I could manage(print out) all my threads' pages at all forums I have participate in, and create a book like that, then it would be much better. How to do. For instance, I have many threads at this forum, each of threads has some pages, then if I want to print out all pages for the threads and let them printed out to create a book like that one shown in mine or even in yours online.

NOTE: That book I have posted its screen shot was designed by the owner like that way and I can view it without being online.
I am now asking how to create my own book if I want to design a book like that one containing, for instance, all threads' printed pages I have posted in all forums. I.e. I want to Collect all my threads' pages (bookmarks) in all forums, and then I let them saved in a book like that one. I really don't know how to convey the idea going in my mind to you, but I am trying to do.
a cooperator Posts 167 Registration date Monday July 25, 2011 Status Member Last seen November 3, 2015 3
Dec 9, 2014 at 07:03 PM
As we all know that some forums don't have a built-in Image-hosting server. Thus, if I may need to post images to that forums, I will need to upload the images on another third image-hosting server.
However, if the image uploaded to the third image-hosting server had been deleted, then they would be deleted(Not shown) at the forum.

As a result, archiving all threads' pages at that forums as a book like that one would be good to be viewed, moved, and navigated.
Could you please reply to my previous post posted five days ago to finish this thread.
a cooperator Posts 167 Registration date Monday July 25, 2011 Status Member Last seen November 3, 2015 3
Dec 29, 2014 at 04:56 PM
Could you pleas reply to me, ac3mark if you have any new idea? As many know from my replies that your link is OK, however, it should be working while on the INTERNET. If I want to nest all my threads posted in this forum and others to be designed and reviewed like that something is:
Blocked Profile
Dec 30, 2014 at 12:05 PM
Well, it seems the your requirements are a turn key software solution. I have no other ideas to offer. Sorry!
a cooperator Posts 167 Registration date Monday July 25, 2011 Status Member Last seen November 3, 2015 3
Dec 30, 2014 at 06:29 PM
Could you suggest like what that software which let me print out all my threads' pages, and nesting them as a book.