Fresh out of the box...

Jscopus Posts 9 Registration date Wednesday July 29, 2015 Status Member Last seen August 2, 2015 - Jul 29, 2015 at 03:15 PM
 Blocked Profile - Jul 31, 2015 at 05:19 AM
Brandy new to this forum. Just bought a gaming computer off ebay from what seemed a reasonable guy. Build not so critical but was shipped with an unsecured HD. Sits on the case floor. Plug it in and all the fans run, PSU fan is running, fans on AMD 270X card both running, but no lights on MB, disc drive does not light or work, HD not spinning and obvious no boot up or output to the screen. Front light flashing blue. Need this quickly and seller will refund on DOA but hoping this might be something simple that can be remedied? HELP!


4 responses

BrianGreen Posts 1005 Registration date Saturday January 17, 2015 Status Moderator Last seen September 30, 2021 149
Jul 29, 2015 at 04:27 PM
Hi Jscopus

Sorry to hear of your bad luck. It is possible that the loose HDD has either been damaged in transit, or has damaged other hardware during shipping.

One of the first tests to try would be to unplug all periferals except keyboard, mouse and monitor. If it works then there will be a problem with one of the periferal devices.

However, in this case, I think it wont work. Try disconnecting the hard drive alltogether and switch it on. You should get a warning (generated from BIOS) that no bootable devices can be found. If you dont get this, then it might be worth changing the graphica card (if you have one), but I fear the worst for this one. If you do get such a message, then try with a different Hard drive.

Let me know how you get on.
Jscopus Posts 9 Registration date Wednesday July 29, 2015 Status Member Last seen August 2, 2015
Jul 29, 2015 at 04:49 PM
Brian- thanks for the thoughtful answer. On closer inspection, the hard drive had feet that fit in slots in the case and was likely dislodged during transit. I took it outside the case and reconnected the cables to it. It seems to run and I can feel it vibrating when it spins. The CD drive power cable had dislodged and I reconnected it and that works now. But still no lights on the MB, no beeps, no errors, no boot up sound, no output at all. The RAM seems locked in well. Fan on CPU, video card, and all others run. Power to MB seems well attached. Because of all the cabling inside, does not look like the HD could have banged into much. I tried the 30 second power button push with nothing connected talked about elsewhere to drain/reset things. I have heard about pulling the battery to reset but did not want to spend my only afternoon off jerking around with this when it is not even for me, was getting it for a friend. Thoughts?
Blocked Profile > Jscopus Posts 9 Registration date Wednesday July 29, 2015 Status Member Last seen August 2, 2015
Jul 29, 2015 at 05:10 PM

Some motherboards have two power connectors which are required to be in. There is 4/6 pin and an 18/22 pin socket. Ensure both and pushed in correctly.
Jscopus Posts 9 Registration date Wednesday July 29, 2015 Status Member Last seen August 2, 2015 > Blocked Profile
Jul 29, 2015 at 05:26 PM
Will check that but don't the fans run off power that runs through the MB? Thought the CPU and chassic fans (which are running) come off the MB? So if these fans are running, the board is getting power?
Blocked Profile > Jscopus Posts 9 Registration date Wednesday July 29, 2015 Status Member Last seen August 2, 2015
Jul 29, 2015 at 05:27 PM
Like i said.

sometimes there are two power inputs to the MB. Sometimes the 4/6 pin will power fans.
Jscopus Posts 9 Registration date Wednesday July 29, 2015 Status Member Last seen August 2, 2015 > Blocked Profile
Jul 29, 2015 at 05:55 PM
As instructed, took out a fan to get a better look at the MB. Disconnected and reconnected the four prong power plug. Can now see the MB LED light which goes on. May have been on before but location precluded me from seeing it. Still no boot up sounds. If the HD had been damaged during shipping as it dislodged from its foot mounts on the case, would the unit act like this with no MB blinking lights, no attempt to boot up? If I simply disconnect the HD, would that tell me anything?Does this sound like a bad MB?
Blocked Profile
Jul 29, 2015 at 06:25 PM
Reseat the CPU and memory.
Jscopus Posts 9 Registration date Wednesday July 29, 2015 Status Member Last seen August 2, 2015
Jul 30, 2015 at 08:30 PM
As I was really impressed by the seriously knowledgeable help, thought I might press my luck and as a follow up now that the unit is purring. I am setting this up for a friend who has a golf simulator. One output will go to a projector w/WXGA capability and another to a touch screen that does 1028 x 1024 @75hz. The monitor is obviously less critical. I realize I can run both off the R9 270X graphics card, but will running two outputs (at what is likely modest resolution for this card) going to potentially degrade the image, and thus should try to activate both this and the MB integrated graphics in the BIOS with extended desktop, or is that just unnecessary, the card can easily handle it? Thanks to anyone taking the time to respond.
Blocked Profile
Jul 31, 2015 at 05:19 AM
Hello again Jscopus,

could I ask that you create a new thread for this as this one is marked as solved and is for another issue please.

If at first you don't succeed; call it version 1.0