MP3 it Fat or Fatter?

Simply Fats - Nov 20, 2015 at 03:56 PM
 Simply Fats - Nov 21, 2015 at 12:38 PM
hello, there was not even a forum topic for this....sorry to call it Windows 7...i have windows 7..but...
listen, i bought a cheap 32gb mp3 player from the far east hoping it would hold my 2000 plus songs.
i started adding songs and around the 3.7gb said it was full and stopped adding songs...around 6-7 hundred songs.

now all this is pretty new to me....i am an older dude but i see that there could be something to do with partitions...FAT, or FAT32 or that NFTS business.

i have a PC with Windows 7 but don't know what to do with this mp3 can i augment the disk space...does anyone know.
can they give me crisp clear instructions...i would appreciate it...and thanks for your time.

1 response

Blocked Profile
Nov 20, 2015 at 04:37 PM
If you do not need to gain access to files larger than 1GB, then FAT32 will work. If you were working with mobile files, or larger data files, than I would encourage NTFS. Songs are rearley that large anymore, so once again, FAT32.

Have FUN!
THANKS for your help...i tried it again at FAT32 and the mp3 player took all my 1800 songs with at least 25gb remaining. thanks again for your quick help!!