IF statement that adds 1 for specific text

Jet - Jun 23, 2016 at 12:35 PM
Mazzaropi Posts 1985 Registration date Monday August 16, 2010 Status Contributor Last seen May 24, 2023 - Jun 23, 2016 at 02:46 PM

I have a spreadsheet that I have a column (I2-I48) that contains text for different ticket types. I am trying to create a formula that gives me a total by each ticket type. What would the formula be if I'm trying to make cell B50 = total number of tickets that are coded "Member Ticket" (so any cell I2-I48 that has "Member Ticket" would add 1 to the total in B50)?

Thanks in advance!


1 response

Mazzaropi Posts 1985 Registration date Monday August 16, 2010 Status Contributor Last seen May 24, 2023 147
Jun 23, 2016 at 02:46 PM
jet, Good afternoon.

Try to use:

B50 --> =COUNTIF(I2:I148,"Member Ticket")

Please, tell us if it worked for you.
I hope it helps.
Belo Horizonte, Brasil.
Marcílio Lobão