I have 3 beeps when I turn my computer on

Wlang Posts 1 Registration date Thursday June 23, 2016 Status Member Last seen June 23, 2016 - Jun 23, 2016 at 10:22 PM
Computertech Posts 3569 Registration date Friday February 6, 2015 Status Moderator Last seen July 18, 2016 - Jun 30, 2016 at 03:36 AM
Anyone want to help about the problem in my computer? please I need the answer right now, because I already replaced the old motherboard and put the new motherboard but my computer beeps three times and the computer doesn't boot up. please anyone can answer my question. I clean the rams many time and use dust and clean the all system but the problems is doesn't disappeared.

2 responses

R2D2_WD Posts 3606 Registration date Monday September 1, 2014 Status Member Last seen February 20, 2017   155
Jun 24, 2016 at 03:55 AM
Hi Wlang,

You are correct; three beeps may indicate a RAM memory problem. If you are sure that the RAM is working properly and you have tested it, I would recommend you to disconnect the power cable and remove the CMOS battery for few seconds. Reconnect it and try to boot again. If the memory is OK, but the PC cannot boot you may be facing a motherboard failure. Did you replace the old motherboard because of the same issue?

Hope this helps

I try this process before to my old motherboard but didn't worked, I already replaced the old motherboard to the new motherboard I was bought it. So, the time I changed the motherboard to the computer and connect ever things on it, the problem it was happened. I already do means clean the Rams many times but it's can't worked probably.
Happy to hear you back.