Monitor is not displaying anything but the CPU runs

RAM - Aug 6, 2016 at 04:55 AM
Eneeny Posts 15 Registration date Sunday August 7, 2016 Status Member Last seen August 7, 2016 - Aug 7, 2016 at 08:52 AM
My system is HCL and Intel Pentium Core with new Hard disk and when i am working suddenly my moniter is not displaying anything but the CPU runs i don't know why?In CPU only one light was blinking But usually there will two lights blinking . Any one know how to solve this ,.,.,.,

1 response

Eneeny Posts 15 Registration date Sunday August 7, 2016 Status Member Last seen August 7, 2016 1
Aug 7, 2016 at 08:52 AM
hi daery you have knew your prussss is not will and you have do some thin for that as like usein lunes or old system with a faw fils and have a good luck