Motherboard/Processor help

prahbawd - Apr 30, 2009 at 02:22 PM
 prahbawd - May 4, 2009 at 11:02 PM
Hello all techies,
I have a Dell Dimension 4550 with the original mobo still installed. I had processor disaster in so much thta i removed the processor and heatsink in order to clean off the dust, however i hadnt at this time removed the power cable! After refitting the processor my pc wouldnt start at all. So i have purchased another processor ( a P4 with HT tech 3 GHz 800MHz FSB 1MB L2 cache) fitted it and a new fan after remembering to remove the power cable this time! This time when i press the power button my pc works, kind of lol. There is power to the mobo coz the fans r working but no post and no video output and no hard drives whirring. The funny thing is when i remove the ide cable for the hard drives and power up the pc they are working! So there you have it thats about as much as i know at the moment have tried the memory test fine processor test finehard drive test fine (except the ide cable problem), What else shoud or could i try? Any help greatly appreciated as my back up computer is like me, old and slow lol. Fanx in advance

3 responses

Highway72 Posts 233 Registration date Thursday April 2, 2009 Status Member Last seen July 16, 2009 11
May 1, 2009 at 04:40 AM
Mobo is probbly fried
matieu09 Posts 8 Registration date Friday January 2, 2009 Status Member Last seen June 9, 2009 9
May 1, 2009 at 06:04 AM
try to replace the IDE cable first.
or you test the HDD in another computer as slave.
if it is detected, then you may confirm thet the problem is in the motherboard.
After further research on the web apparentlty the original mobo is not compatible with an 800 FSB processor but 533 max, anyways in reply to both replies if it is as u say the mobo that is at fault how come the same thing happens with a new one?