The discussions
I have forgotten my gmail security question and phone number.
ClosedHello good evening I have forgotten my gmail security question and phone number. Please I need help the way out
Recovery of lost mail
I have sent an email in May 2016. Since the in box was full it could not be delivered on the recipient. I have got a receipt to that effect from the s...
I forgot yahoo password & cant recover
Hello, i forgot my yahoo password m using facebook on it & now i cant singn in on facebook even my info shows my mobile number but when i try to r...
Recover gmail account and password
Hello, Want to know my Gmail account and password so that I can open my Facebook id System Configuration: Android / Chrome 56.0.2924.87
Forgot my gmail account name and password
Hello, I forgot my gmail account name and password. How can I recover both System Configuration: Windows / Chrome 56.0.2924.87
Lost recovery mobile number
Hello, my phone mobile number i lost the mobile number was recovery so please one give me what should i do bz i can't log in my account System ...
Gmail log in problems
Hello, How do I reset my gmail password when I do not remember my old back up phone # or questions ???? System Configuration: Android / Chrome ...
Require help- samsung g530
ClosedHello, I got a Samsung G530.. i wiped the entire phone. now when i switch it on. it asks me for my email.. iv put d email address and not sho abou...
Forget password and recovery mobile no
Hello, Hello, I forget my gmail password And I lost my recovery mobile no also. How can I reset my gmail account again plz help me as soon as ...
Forgotten gmail password
Hello, i have forgotten my gmail password and i could'nt use it for more than 1 year. so, plz help me i need to use it again. plz help me. plzzzzz...
Hello, My name is sai krishna so my gmail account is not recovering not verify please help me System Configuration: Windows / Edge 14.14393
Forgot my gmail password
Hello, I forgot my gmail password and also forgot my recovery mobile number please help me to get my password again
Wrong recovery number and recovery mail
Hello. My gmail password dont work and I don't recognize my recovery number and my recovery mail.
Reset password
Hello, I forget my gmail password And I lost my recovery mobile number also. How can I reset my gmail account again plz help me as soon as possi...
Plz recover my gmail account
ClosedHello, Hru sir this is my account ***@*** Plz recover it when I am sing in Your account is dasaibl for violation But I do no things Syste...
Need to change password
Yes! I cant access my gmail account my e-maill address is removed by removed by moderator Thank you Ms C Funderburk remov...
Forgot password and lost recovery
Hello, i forgot my password and i lose my recovery please help me * @*** pass najib123 wrong System Configuration: Android / Chrome...
Password retrieve
Hello, I'm nayan I had forgot my gmail password and I had lost my phone number to please help me to retrieve my account System Configuration: ...
Gmail password
Hello, I lost my password and recovery # but I put in the recovery email and it sent me a code and I put in the code and it says thanks for verifyi...
Gmail account password @gmail attached phone number was forgot
Hello, Plz help me argent System Configuration: Android / Chrome 56.0.2924.87
Password recovery
Hello sir I forgot my password and I lost my recovery mobile as well now what should I do sir help me to recover my email password
Forget gmail password
Hello, i forget my password . kindly requsting you please recover my password. System Configuration: Windows / Chrome 57.0.2987.110
Gmail account hacked
Hello, Guys Plzzz help i am shubham i play coc means clash of clans someone changed my password i like it is hacked by someone the big mistake ...
Why is my gmail trash auto deleting after five days?
Hello, Why is my gmail Trash auto deleting after five days? Today is March 27 and the oldest mail in trash is dated March 23
Recovery of my gmail password
Hello, My gmail address is ***@*** I have forgotten my password please help me recover it System Configuration: Android / Chrome
Forget my password
Hello, im forget my gmail password.please help me Send reset password to my or account :***@*** System Configuration: Android / Chrome 39.0.2171...
I lost my id & password & recovry id and pho num
hloo I forget my gmail password And I lost my recovery mobile no also. How can I reset my gmail account again plz help me as soon as possible. ...
Someone changed my gmail password
respected sir/madam, my gmail account i.e has been hacked my recovery phone number and recovery email has been changed by t...
Gmail account hacked
Hello, My GMAIL was compromised, my password has been changed, and the cell phone I set the account up I no longer have access to. Ive been trying t...
Forgot gmail password
Hello, I forget my gmail passward.please,help gmail id is ***@*** mobile number is removed by moderator.please,send me. System Configur...
Can't sign into gmail
Hello, My phone got stolen don't remember password and got a new phone number System Configuration: System Configuration: Android / Chrome 50.0...
Gmail account hacked
hello my gmail account hacked and recovery email and phone number is changed what can I do please help.
My gmail password is lost
Hello, can I get my gmail password please help me System Configuration: Android / Chrome 48.0.2564.106
Forget gmail password
Hello, ***@*** This G.mail is My Forget Password Pls Give Me recovery My Gmail Password System Configuration: Android / Chrome 52.0.2743.98
Forgot gmail password and recovery number
Hello, I forget my gmail password And I lost my recovery mobile no also. How can I reset my gmail account again plz help me as soon as possibl...
Gain access to my gmail account immediately
Pls help me for six months I have tried to access my Gmail account. I have submitted every password and answered every question. I no longer have the ...
My account has been disabled
hello my gmail account has been changed deu to my age actually my age is30.but mistakly i written it 10 or 13 so haw can it be unlocked
I forget my gmail password and i lost my recovery mobile numbe
Hello, I forget my gmail password And I lost my recovery mobile number also. How can I reset my gmail account again plz help me as soon as possibl...
Forgot password
Hello, System Configuration: Android / UC Browser lost my gmail password
I want a second account
Hello thanks for your service. I have a email address am still using but i need to get a second one for my essential use. The other is in my names and...
Forgot gmail password
Hello, Sir,i forgot my Gmail password my Gmail ***@*** System Configuration: System Configuration: Android / Chrome 55.0.2883.91
Forgot gmail password and recovery options
Hello, I need help recovering my gmaIL password and recovery option. Plus help me out. Thank you System Configuration: Android / Chrome 56.0.2924.87
Password recovery
I lost my password to my Gmail account removed by and no longer have access to the phone on acct. Can u please help me
How to recover my gmail account
Hi good day, Im winelyn i forgot my password and recovery email and i lost my recovery number....
Gmail accounts
How to back my gmail password. This my google account. removed by moderator@gmail. Pls back my account
Recover my gmail password
Pls help me I have forget my gmail.pass world please help me Sir god will bless u Sir thanks
Lost recovery mob no and password
sir i have lost my recovery mob no and i forget my gmail acc password my gmail acc removed by how to recover it plz sir help...
Gmail account hacked
somebody hacked my gmail change password,number,recovery gmail also please help me
I forgot my gmail password and security questions
Hello, Hello can u help me Plzz how to recover my gmail password I forgot my password and security questions too plz can u help me System Configur...