The discussions
Whatsapp did not verify my number
Hello, my whatsapp did not verification my number Configuration: Windows / Internet Explorer 9.0
Can i take my free iphone?!??
Can I take my new FREE IPhone?
Restore the phone icon on a nokia 735
HI , can anyone tell me how to restore the phone icon on a nokia 735, i have tried a hard reset, but with no luck, any answers please.
Iphone want open for usage
my iphone6 is stick on disabled connect to iTunes what shall I do to fix it
I forgot my phone x2 00 securty code .. how i reset phone
ClosedHloo sir i forgot my phone x2 00 securty code .. how i reset our phone
Blootooth problem
Hello, I am Using Samsung On5, with Android OS. I havev samsung bluetooth headset Hm1100. now I am not able to listen music via this. Please help ...
My ipod touch won't turn on
Hello, I was on it and it was working no problem. It turned off all of a sudden and won't light up. It dings when I plug it in, but otherwise does n...
Forgotten password
Hello, I have forgotten my password l can not enter my gmail Configuration: iPhone / Safari 4.0
Forgot password
Hello, i forgot my password and i want it to know if you please text my password to my brothers number# removed by moderator,, my email is ***@*** you...
Mobile phone data recovery
Hello I lose my important notes and videos and pictures Please how I will recovery It's showing deleted but never delete that's But some pictures ...
Recover gmail account
Hello,pls recovered gmail acc
How to adjust the earpiece volume
Hello, I have a Samsung e2121 mobile phone and the earpiece volume is very low and it is very hard to hear what people are saying,specially when I'm o...
Yahoo mail access
Hi Am failing to access my yahoo I'd, because I nolonger use the recovery email I registered.
How to access internet for free using sim card
Solved/ClosedHello, can someone help me how i can access internet for free using my sim card Smart Communication is my ISP thanks for helping or someone ca...
Gmail account hacked
My gmail account was hacked and they change my phone number as well as recovery gmail. How can I get it back my account.
When i contect laptop to my phone it shows that no devices found
Hello, When conect my laptop to my phone it shows that no devices have been found Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 49.0.2623.105
Onida g 725 input phone lock
Hello Onida G 725 input phone lock
Calling problem
I called a friend 5 each time it says the person your calling is on a call from so I give it a few minutes then called again it was calling how did th...
Flash player for samsung galaxy s6 phone
Hello, I have a Samsung Galaxy S6 phone and want to know if I can download a flash player or where would I go in my phone to turn on Java scrip...
Missing my account
Sorry to bother but please i need i help i just changed my cell phone and yahoo is trying to charge me 100 dlr to recuperate my email please help
Nokia c1-01 input phone lock code
ClosedHello, Please help me I need the input phone lock code for nokia c1-01 Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 49.0.2623.91
Candy crush crashing
Have 2 Android devices(tab & phone), tab loads but crashes after FB login. Phone randomly crashes, usually when about to beat level or used a booster...
Convert column date from day month year to year month day
SolvedHello, convert date from 1/11/2013 to 2013/11/1 config>Windows 7 / Mozilla 11.0
Rca can't connect to some places
Hello, my RCA tablet connects To the wifi in all the rooms expect one, I tried on my phone to connect and it's perfect.I can't connect to certain plub...
Remove a short cut i created from home screen of tab active
I want to remove short cut from home screen but it won't let me.
Screen orientation for wechat doesn't have "landscaping display"
I found an answer to set landscaping display for WeChat but it does not apply to me. After I select me -> Settings ->General, I saw "language, text si...
Samsung note sgh-i717 power problems
My samsung note sgh-i717 does not on at all. When l insert in charger it vibrate contineousely with interval of at most 3sec with the screen showing n...
How to install blue stack in windows lumia
Hello, i want to install blue stack appliction in windows 7 can any one provide a link Configuration: Windows XP / Firefox 48.0
How to develop mobile app
Solvedhello evrey one! my name is piplord and would like to know what i can do(learn) to be proficient in android mobile apps development. would be very...
Some one deleted my yahoo email that i used to usr for my facebo
Hello, So me one deletrear my Yahoo email that i uses to use for my Facebook.. My email was,, ***@***.,, How can i recoger my email..? Co...
I forgot my password and changef my phone number
Hello, I forgot my password and email and changed my phone number Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 51.0.2704.81
Nokia e 72 phone showing "power saving mode deactivated"
SolvedHello, My Nokia E 72 phone recently started showing " Power saving mode deactivated " notification some times and battery power signal become mini...
Galaxy note4 air command disabled
Hi. I have problem with my air command my phone is galaxy note4 n910c.( android version upgraded to marshamloo) My air command option is disabled and...
Whatsapp using problem
Hello, when i go to use whatsapp then i get a message by my application that facebook service and thats servise does not connecting to the interne...
Samsung galaxy trend neo
Hello, my problem is my galaxy trend neo is not touching when it is cold but if i put it to warm place it will touch please help Configuration:...
Transferring audio from samsung galaxy 3 to e
How can I export audio recordings from Samsung Galaxy 3 to Apple mac by e mail?
Keyboard some faulty keys
Hello, when i type u i o p j k l m i am getting 4 5 6 * 1 2 3 0 Please resolve this issue my laptop is lenovo idea pad Thank you sha...
Nokia hard reset
ClosedHello, i buy second hand nokia 6300 but d seller did not know the security password.pls help me to un lock.the serial no.of my nokia is Config...
Password request
ClosedHello, I have forget password of below ID so please provide password on Mobile
Recover simlock?
ClosedHello, and thanks for reading I would like to know if I can recover my Simlock number. I Unlocked my phone from my previous company some years a...
Sony smart phone need to unlock
ClosedI have a sony smart phone which is locked by a disgruntled associate need to unlock it any clues
Security code
ClosedHello, how to unlock code of nokia e71-1 Configuration: Windows 8 / Chrome 18.0.1025.117
Songs wont play
Hello, i think I accidently deleted my music, but it still appears to be there, but it skips through them all till it gets back to the beginning w...
Forgot my password on gmail
pls recover my gmail password
Forget my password
ClosedHello Nokia C3 qwerty keypad model Forget my password please help to unlock my phone
Sd card
But still i am not getting ...I tried all the way but files is not sending...plz tel me the solution...plz....