Are you a serial houseplant killer? Luckily, there's a simple trick to stop your plants from dying

Are you a serial houseplant killer? Luckily, there's a simple trick to stop your plants from dying

Did it ever happen to you that you take good care of your indoor plant, but it still dies? There is a simple hack to avoid it next time you try to grow a monstera at home.

When people see their plants looking sick, they usually water them right away. But sometimes, this makes things worse because the plants get too much water. This can cause the roots to rot and the plant to die. Surprisingly, giving plants too much water can be just as bad as not giving them enough. But don't worry, there's an easy way to make sure your plants get the right amount of water. You can use ice cubes from your freezer to water them slowly.

As highlighted by many experts, the key to fighting overwatering is using ice cubes. All you need to do is retrieve a couple of large ice cubes from your freezer and place them directly onto the soil at the base of your plant. Unlike pouring water into the pot all at once, the gradual melting of the ice cubes ensures an even distribution of moisture throughout the soil. If you're worried about excess water accumulation, keep a close eye to prevent overflow as the ice melts. This method is especially advantageous for hydrating hanging plants that may be difficult to access with a traditional watering can.

Also, if you pour too much water on your plants, it can make all the water gather at the bottom of the pot, which isn't good for the plant's roots. This way of watering works really well for plants that are hard to reach, like hanging ones. It's also good for orchids because they need their roots to have good drainage, and having water collected at the bottom could harm them.

Although the plant ultimately receives the same amount of water, the gentle delivery method offered by ice cubes facilitates better absorption by the roots and soil. This gradual watering approach is essential as it allows the roots adequate time to absorb moisture effectively. Pouring a large volume of water too quickly often results in water pooling at the bottom of the pot, depriving the roots of oxygen and leading to decay. This underscores the importance of ensuring your planter has sufficient drainage holes and gravel at the bottom to promote proper drainage.

While maintaining houseplants may seem daunting, it doesn't have to be. Alongside the ice cube method, here are additional tips to ensure your botanical companions thrive:

  • Monitor the room temperature where your houseplant is placed
  • Keep the humidity level right for your houseplant
  • Check for any bugs on your houseplant
  • Consider repotting your houseplant if needed

If your plant doesn't look well and you're not sure what to do, you can check the specific websites that may provide you with information about what's wrong with your plant and how to fix it. Also, there are plenty of apps that can diagnose your plants via simple photos.