Power Tab Editor is a wonderful tool used to create guitar and bass tablature. Easy-to-use, this program provides all notations used in music: symbols of music standards, as well as symbols of tablatures.
Note: It seems that this software hasn't been updated for several years - the version linked to this page is the latest to exist, so do not bother searching any further.
What are the key features of Power Tab Editor?
- Creation: create, edit, and print your composition. As all power tab files are saved using the file extension.ptb, files created within the application can be viewed and used only by the editor.
- Sharing: import and export MIDI tracks in ASCII text format or HTML.
- Interface: this tool has an easy-to-use interface and is thus suitable for everyone. You can also add a title and lyrics to your composition.
- Details: full explanations about chords and tuning are available in the program.

Is it free?
You can download and use this tool for free.
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