endorphin is a VST software designed to compress and customize audio files. It provides several options to optimize audio tracks.
Note: The publisher stated that there will be no more recent versions of the software and that it is no longer supported on Mac.
What are the key features of endorphin?
- Import: This action can be performed by dragging and dropping audio files to the interface of the software. After that, several modifications can be made to the audio according to the user's needs.
- Effect: endorphin contains various sound effects that the user can integrate into the processed files to improve their quality. The program also provides tools to adjust the bass and treble.
- Compression: endorphin may also reduce the storage size of the audio file after the process. For that, the software converts the audio into VST format without changing the sound quality.
- Customization: Several options can be adjusted such as the frequency bands, the output stage, and the minor sonic. This can be made by balancing the different monitors for each option. The user can also switch between stereo or M/S modes.

Is it free?
This software can be downloaded and used for free.
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