ZipItfast is a compression/decompression free tool. It allows you to zip and unzip in more than 20 archive formats. It integrates a function of password protection to protect the archive created.
Disclaimer: ZipItFast is supported only by Windows 2000 and XP versions. However, you can use 7 Zip tool to compress or decompress your files on later Windows OS (7, 8, 10).
What are the key features of ZipItFree?
- User-friendly interface.
- Supports various archive formats (IP, EXE, TAR, CAB, GZIP, RAR, LHA, ACE etc.).
- It has an advanced compression format (Black Hole).
- ZipItFree encryption algorithm is one of the most secure encryption for archiving.
Is it free?
Yes, it is free to download.