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2 responses
Registration date
Monday February 1, 2010
Last seen
February 15, 2023
Sep 8, 2017 at 05:05 PM
Sep 8, 2017 at 05:05 PM
There are four possibilities.
1. The video card is not compatible with your system.
2. The video card is defective.
3. You have not properly installed the card.
4. You are not installing the proper driver for your win 7
1. The video card is not compatible with your system.
2. The video card is defective.
3. You have not properly installed the card.
4. You are not installing the proper driver for your win 7
Registration date
Monday February 1, 2010
Last seen
February 15, 2023
Sep 9, 2017 at 05:59 PM
Sep 9, 2017 at 05:59 PM
Well you have given here your own solution:
if i don't install the graphic drivers it will turn up without problmes but when i install the drivers the problem is still here.
So why would you want to install the drivers if it works without them?
Many drivers have already been integrated with Windows 7 and don't need to be updated not down graded.
BTW, there is only one driver for a graphic card not drivers
if i don't install the graphic drivers it will turn up without problmes but when i install the drivers the problem is still here.
So why would you want to install the drivers if it works without them?
Many drivers have already been integrated with Windows 7 and don't need to be updated not down graded.
BTW, there is only one driver for a graphic card not drivers
Not really because all i have is 800x600, no directx so i can keep it only for internet, i used to play some games and the most important fact is that iinstalled the driver many many times before and it was perfect but im sure that that problem is caused by my mistake to install my video card in unknown pc but i hope i will solve the things tomorrow cause i invited someone to help me.Thank you for your advice and ur time.If i solve the problem i will post the solution cause maybe someone will need it and can see it here.
Sep 9, 2017 at 08:58 AM
The video card work when i reinstall my windows with 800x600 resolution.
When i install the drivers i need to restart the PC and automatically my resolution is setted at 1080x1920 (my monitor resolution) and that s happen, black screen after windows starting.I have incorporate video card but i unistalled it from computer manager, still do the same.I think is something about resolution since it works fine before i install drivers and my res is 800x600 but i don t know who to fix it.I had the same monitor and the same videocard and the same resolution (1080x1920) before i put in the others pc when all problems strart.
Sep 9, 2017 at 04:26 PM
Was it 1080x1920 on other pc's ?
Have you explored the other three possibilities I have mentioned?
Updated on Sep 9, 2017 at 05:46 PM
I want to mention that i don't know if those 3 pc support 1080x1920, one friend gave them to me to sell them for him, he gave me 5 old pc's and i make with that components 3 pc that turn up, but hadn't vga cable to conect my monitor with their motherbords and that s why i installed my video card in those, to see if it work but in return my own pc stopped work
Also i want to mention that i can open the pc widows but only if i reinstall the windows and if i don't install the graphic drivers it will turn up without problmes but when i install the drivers the problem is still here.