Start menu dissapeard

Kell - Jun 11, 2008 at 10:05 AM
Duke_42 Posts 12 Registration date Tuesday June 10, 2008 Status Member Last seen June 11, 2008 - Jun 11, 2008 at 03:59 PM
How do I get the start menu back because it was deleted ?

1 response

Duke_42 Posts 12 Registration date Tuesday June 10, 2008 Status Member Last seen June 11, 2008 1
Jun 11, 2008 at 03:59 PM
try pressing the start button on you keyboard, (The funny looking flag), If this does not work try mooving your mouse to the four sides of your monitor, if your task bark is unlocked you can moove it around, if the task bar is set to auto hide and it is moved then Presto it dissapears. to move it back simply click and drag it back to were you want it. to prevent this from happening again right click on the task bar and click on Lock Task bar. Let me know if this helps.