Autopopulation of mutiple files from 1 master sheet

damianb1 Posts 1 Registration date Friday December 8, 2017 Status Member Last seen December 8, 2017 - Dec 8, 2017 at 09:18 AM
 Blocked Profile - Dec 8, 2017 at 04:50 PM
Hi All,

Firstly many thanks to anyone who takes the time to read and try to help. It is greatly appreciated. I have 1 master sheet that I input data records into daily (usually in excess of 500 records per day). The data that needs to be transferred from the master sheet is transferred into 13 staff members sheets and goes from column c to column x. I am getting the data from another source daily and there are often duplicates (which I know how to make sure this is displayed) and I then put the big batch of data into my master sheet daily and then distribute into the individual sheets (all the sheets are different files not just sheets on the same file). That’s the preamble.

What I would like to do is once I have put the data into the master sheet for this to automatically populate the individual sheets with segments of the new data. Ideally I would prefer this to happen when their current workloads on their sheets gets down to a predetermined level (for example when the sheet only has 10 bits of work left to do (an example could be there are 100 records of customers to call and one column is for the date when the customer has been called, when there are only 10 records with no date in the column when contact has been made more records are allocated from the master sheet to that individuals sheet automatically. It would be even better if when this has been done the master sheet is updated with the name in column A for all the records just allocated of who the records have been allocated to.

If this can be done that would be fantastic and save me a lot of work. Another thought has just come regarding the duplicates issue, when recognising duplicates is it possible to differentiate which is the original record and which are the subsequent duplicates and would it be possible for the duplicate records to be maintained within the master sheet (so feedback can be provided) but the duplicates be excluded when the data transfer takes place into the individuals sheets?

Many thanks once again for any suggestions

1 response

Blocked Profile
Dec 8, 2017 at 04:50 PM
The easiest fix is to create a database, with an entry form for data entry. Then when you need data back out, run a particular report. This will handle duplicates REALLY easy, and no code is needed!

Here is the problem with requests such as these: We spend some time writing up a solution based on the scope as described. Then the user, will post back, saying that it doesn't do the work right, and can we make more changes. We start tweaking on it, and then it still doesn't do what they need, because they forgot to mention a requirement in the beginning, and the whole thing needs to be re-engineered!

We do not provide turn key solutions for projects such as these, but we will assist when code needs to be Quality checked, or if the code is producing an error!

What error is your code producing?