This account will be disabled in 1 day Are you sure that you want to log out? Y
Please activate my facebook account ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????please sir I need your help sir please activate my FB
- This account will be disabled in 30 days
- How long does facebook take to review disabled account - Guide
- This mailbox is disabled (554.30) - Yahoo Mail Forum
- When Will Yahoo delete the account? - Yahoo Mail Forum
- If this was you, you won’t be able to access certain security and account settings for a few days. you can still access these settings from a device you’ve logged in with in the past. - Instagram Forum
- 554: 30 Sorry, your message cannot be delivered - Yahoo Mail Forum
3 responses
David Webb
Registration date
Monday November 25, 2019
Last seen
May 15, 2023
Mar 15, 2021 at 10:47 AM
Mar 15, 2021 at 10:47 AM
Hello, here is an article on what to do if your facebook account is locked or disabled.
Note: CCM is not affiliated with Facebook and cannot recover your account for you. You will have to follow the guidance in the above article.
Good luck
Note: CCM is not affiliated with Facebook and cannot recover your account for you. You will have to follow the guidance in the above article.
Good luck
David Webb
Content Editor and Community Manager -
May 31, 2021 at 04:52 AM