We Received Your Information If we still find that you're not old enough to be o
Jul 29, 2021 at 08:01 PM
Elena Keracheva Posts 1152 Registration date Wednesday November 4, 2020 Status Member Last seen October 28, 2021 - Jul 30, 2021 at 04:34 AM
Elena Keracheva Posts 1152 Registration date Wednesday November 4, 2020 Status Member Last seen October 28, 2021 - Jul 30, 2021 at 04:34 AM
We Received Your Information
If we still find that you're not old enough to be on Facebook, your account will be permanently disabled. This is because your account doesn't follow our Terms of Service.
We're always looking out for the security of people on Facebook, so until then you can't use your account.
We Received Your Information
If we still find that you're not old enough to be on Facebook, your account will be permanently disabled. This is because your account doesn't follow our Terms of Service.
We're always looking out for the security of people on Facebook, so until then you can't use your account.
System Configuration: Android / Chrome 61.0.3163.98
- We Received Your Information If we still find that you're not old enough to be o
- Whatsapp code not received - Guide
- Yahoo sms verification code not received - Yahoo Mail Forum
- Please wait a few minutes to receive your 6-digit code before trying again. - Facebook Forum
- Facebook You Entered 6 digit code too many times - Facebook Forum
- Facebook Errors when trying to enter 6 digit code to reset passw ✓ - Facebook Forum
1 response
Elena Keracheva
Registration date
Wednesday November 4, 2020
Last seen
October 28, 2021
Jul 30, 2021 at 04:34 AM
Jul 30, 2021 at 04:34 AM
Hello, see this article on what to do if your Facebook account is blocked due to age restrictions. Also, keep in mind that you must be at least 13 years old to have a Facebook account.
CCM is not affiliated with Facebook and cannot unlock your account on your behalf,
CCM is not affiliated with Facebook and cannot unlock your account on your behalf,