Credit card charges for wifi

xfinityuser245 - Aug 10, 2021 at 03:07 PM
David Webb Posts 3177 Registration date Monday November 25, 2019 Status Administrator Last seen May 15, 2023   - Aug 12, 2021 at 09:15 AM

I have my credit card on auto pay set up in an account which in another friend's name . Now this friend exceeded the data usage and has incurred a penalty of $100 and now I cannot remove my credit card from the account, because it is behind a two step otp verification set up by my friend to prevent me from doing so, basically he wants me to shoulder the penalty unfairly which is quite a lot. Should I cancel my credit card, and if I do, will the pending payments go to collections, and if so, who will be responsible ? Remember its my card on another friend's account. Need urgent answer please. Thanks !

2 responses

David Webb Posts 3177 Registration date Monday November 25, 2019 Status Administrator Last seen May 15, 2023   6,927
Aug 11, 2021 at 10:33 AM
Hello, I recommend that you speak to your bank and get them to block the payment, and or contact the WiFi service provider - however seeing as the WiFi is in your friends name, there isn't much you will be able to do.

Aug 12, 2021 at 09:13 AM

Thank you

In that case, if I change my credit card, that payment won't go through. But in case, xfinity decides to take it to collections, does it fall on me, or the account holder, in this case my former roommate ?

David Webb Posts 3177 Registration date Monday November 25, 2019 Status Administrator Last seen May 15, 2023   6,927
Aug 12, 2021 at 09:15 AM
Hello, any overdue payments will fall on the account holder. He will need to add a new payment method after yours has been removed by your bank.
