Laptop and projector

Heather - Jul 4, 2009 at 08:29 AM
 cbwl - Aug 7, 2009 at 01:52 PM

I have a laptop connected to my projector. Everything has been fine lately but all of a sudden the laptop screen doesn't show when it connects to the projector. It shows fine on on the screen but not on laptop. I am a teacher and need to see the screen as I give the lesson.

Also, How can I mount my projector to the ceiling and still attach to laptop. Are there any wireless gadgets I can get.

2 responses

I'm having the same problem. I changed to different resolutions and messed with the 2 monitors in the display settings box, and I'm still having the same issue. Please help.
If it is a laptop you are using just hit the function key (Fn) on the bottom of your keyboard along with F7. Some computers have a different assignment, such as F8 but it will be the one with a blank display and a filled in display on it. Just push on that several times until you get the configuration you want.
Function +(F7)