Cant get dvd or cd burner to see blank disk

driver51 - Aug 21, 2009 at 10:55 PM
 Dan - Oct 5, 2010 at 11:14 PM
i have a acer aspire 5315-2326 and i have to get the dvd burner to work but with no luck i have used dvd-r and dvd+r it keeps saying to insert disk and when i do it eject it am i useing the wrong type of blank disk ?

8 responses

Blocked Profile
Aug 22, 2009 at 06:31 AM
Hello there,

I just think that the burner is faulty,

If you had once failed to burn a disc, this should have caused a damage to the burner,

I will advise you to replace the burner to a new one

Blocked Profile
Aug 22, 2009 at 06:37 AM
hi there,

use nero cd/dvd burner

follow link below and download nero:

please be sure you have a writer and not a CD/DVD Rom

my windows media player keep saying put in a blank disk and i do so an d it said the same thing
I can;t copy from the computer files to copy to the cd
I had the same thing happen to me with iTunes and my iMac. I had Toast open at the same time and iTunes would not recognize the drive. Close Toast and it will work again.
is there a dvd burner in acer aspire 5315-2326
windows media player says insert disk in drive after i have inserted one
Keep inserting and clicking next.... eventually, after 20 or 30 tries it will burn. Works for me... but then it is a pain when I am burning dozens of discs.