Need formula help with excel

neverlost41 - Sep 30, 2009 at 12:23 AM
cliffmid Posts 3 Registration date Wednesday September 30, 2009 Status Member Last seen October 1, 2009 - Oct 1, 2009 at 09:12 AM
i found this formula from some website, its sort of what im looking for but not exactly...


IF(A1 <= 0; "ordering", "stock")
This would mean: If the contents of cell A1 is less than or equal to zero, then it displays "to order", otherwise (if the contents of cell A1 is greater than zero) on display "at stock".

I am looking for a formula for cell B1 that if cell A1 is <= 0, it will pull value from cell A2, but if cell A1 is >0 it will pull value from cell A3. in the example above i tried to substitute "to order" and "at stock" with cell locations, but that didnt work.

I guess in my mind it seems like a simple process but I am excel illiterate, please help.

2 responses

Blocked Profile
Sep 30, 2009 at 03:46 AM
Dear Sir,

Please try using two different formulas for solving the problem and then combine them if they work well. One should pull the value for less than zero and the other one for greater value of zero.

can you give me an example of what the foruma might look like? I am trying to do this but its coming up as an error.
Trowa > neverlost41
Oct 1, 2009 at 08:31 AM
IF(A1 <= 0; "ordering", "stock")

Note that you are using two kinds of separators ";" and ",". I'm using a dutch version and need to use ";", but most people on this forum need to use ",". I'm assuming you need to use the ",".

To aswer your question look at the syntaxis of the IF function:
IF(condition which can be true or false, value or cell when condition is true, value or cell when condition is false)
In your case it would look like this: IF(A1<= 0,A2,A3) .

Best regards,
cliffmid Posts 3 Registration date Wednesday September 30, 2009 Status Member Last seen October 1, 2009
Oct 1, 2009 at 09:12 AM
try this

=IF(A1<=0, A2, A3)