Micromax Q3 PC suite

Alberito - Oct 14, 2009 at 04:02 AM
 sang - May 21, 2010 at 08:08 AM
I have bought Micromax Q3 . I cant connect internet through my PC. Is there any PC suite for Micromax Q3 just like Nokia Pc Suite ? Pliz reply soon as soon as you got this message OK!!!!!

2 responses

Blocked Profile
Oct 14, 2009 at 04:12 AM
Dear Alberito,

This question has already been answered, please get your solution

through the below link:

Micromax Q3 PC Suite

Thanks in advance.
to connect your phone to pc
1. install usb driver cable in ur pc (available on d cd provided wid mobile and also micromax website) try to re-install if it doesn't d first time. den download pc suite c drive.. ex. C://release.

2. connect ur phone to pc. select d comport option on d phone

3. now a a window will pop up on ur monitor for d new device stuff....select not this time and den continue d process.

finnaly u will (at d last stage of nstalation of new device...dat it is succesfull and a com port no.3 (or watever no. will be seen)

now open pc suite and go to setting and select d com port dat hve been provided 4 ur mobile..... 2 be sure chck chck d bottom right of d window...

n-joy...sharing is caring