Looking for lost files in "My Documents"

Tekkii - Nov 14, 2009 at 02:47 PM
 Tekkii - Nov 17, 2009 at 04:24 PM
My wife uses her laptop alot and just recently went to get a DOC file and found all her documents gone ( .doc, .xls, .pub, etc. They were in My Documents on a Vista OS. She's online alot and we even tried a 3 days ago restore point, which didn't work. i think i've found some of them in a directory called Restore?

1 response

Blocked Profile
Nov 15, 2009 at 05:02 AM
Dear Tekki,

Please check out through a virus scan if there is no malware or virus

on the PC. This could be the reason for dissapearing files. Please confirm

it and indicate for having an appropriate solution.

Thanks in advance.
Ran a norton scan as my wife then ran a scan as guest and it showed nothing. There were no multiples of her name or any name eg. joan.001. Figured it had to be some program which screwed up my pointers so have to go in and find all my docs and pixs and put them were they need to be. Any other thoughts will be welcome. Thanks.