Cant print to PDF - MS Access

Senna - Nov 20, 2009 at 03:16 AM
 Senna - Nov 20, 2009 at 03:35 AM
I have recently changed to a new laptop running Windows 7.
My original laptop had vista.
Both run Office 2007. (Not sure if the old laptop was an upgraded version standalone office 07) But it was definitely 07.
The new laptop i installed office 03 and then the upgrade to 07.
I copied the data base (access) from the old laptop to the new one.
NOW, my tables, queries, forms and reports only show up as a long list of (UNASSIGNED OBJECTS) rather than being categorised as Table/Querie/Form/Report.
Another issue i have is, when i create a report, on the old laptop i could right click and select (EXPORT TO PDF or PRINT TO PDF) the new laptop does not have that option..
I have no idea if this is a windows 07 issue, office issue......Please help! Thankyou

2 responses

ramesh2412 Posts 79 Registration date Thursday November 19, 2009 Status Member Last seen September 5, 2011 13
Nov 20, 2009 at 03:23 AM
Windows-7 is the OS. U have to update the Mdb in 2007 from 2003 and also check the print options. Once go to control Panal and click on Printer and selcet Adobe Acrobat. Check ur Adobe is reader or writer. If it is Adobe Acrobat, then it will works
The database has always been office 07.

The old laptop had office 07 - the new one also has office 07.
If i go to External data - Export, there is no PDF option there.. :S