Pc shuts down during Hard drive format

rod_sky - Sep 10, 2008 at 05:06 PM
 rod_sky - Sep 11, 2008 at 03:04 PM

I have encountered a weird problem. Lately my computer has been shutting down without warning. So I decided to format the hard drive. While doing so, the computer stopped at 15% hard drive format and shut down completely. I was unable to start it again and infered that the PSU had gone at the wrong moment. I replace it and tried to format again. The same problem hapenned again (power off at 15% format). I have now burnt 2 PSU so before doing anything else I wanted to know if anyone has come across this problem before?

Many THanks

2 responses

Check that all the fans are working (case fan, CPU fan, PSU fan etc)
could be overheating problem.
Thanks for the answer Joe,

I have indeed cleaned thouroughly the PC and fans and gave up on the idea of formating for now. On its third PSU the PC seems to be stable for now (even when using memory hungry Flight Simulator).
