Aircel gprs setting on china n958 mobile

abhisek - Jan 12, 2010 at 01:06 PM
 mansoor - Apr 2, 2010 at 10:16 AM
Please send me aircel gprs setting of china n958 mobile. Aircel persons said we'll not provide gprs for china mobile, so please help me.
thanking you

3 responses

Blocked Profile
Jan 13, 2010 at 06:58 AM
Hi there,

If the answer was negative from customer care it means they do not provide it for china mobile phones and trying to get it done by other manual setting for other type of mobile phone will not fit for it,I will advise you to contact other network providers and ask them same setting for your mobile model and if they do provide it ,then change the sim card to their service.

I buy a chinies mobile N958 but this not access gprs connection. iuse the aircel network please give me a solution for this problem
how gprs active in N958 ?